Welcome to smartCache’s documentation!

smartCache lets you quickly and easily cache parts of your nodes tree with a one button click solution to speed up working in your working file. And the best part, you don’t need to set up anything at all - fire and forget. smartCache gives you an overview of caches in your working file and lets you bulk switch between live connection and cached view, render and check your caches validity. smartCache lets you easily and (if configured in the settings) automatically check if all your caches are still up to date. It detects when some changes were done upstream - on a frame by frame basis. On any change you can then easily update your out of date cached frames - either by rendering them locally or sending them to smartRender to render them multi threaded in the background. The cache node itself is light-weight and does not contain any knobChanged callbacks, so your working file stays fast.

_images/main.png _images/status.png
  • Easy to use one button click caching system for Nuke
  • Speed up working in your node graph
  • Easily switch between live node connection and cached view
  • Auto detect when caches go out of date
  • Check cache status on a frame by frame basis
  • Overview of all your caches in your working file including simple navigation
  • Render caches locally or multi threaded in the background using smartRender
Tool homepage: https://www.cragl.com/smartCache

Where to buy: https://aescripts.com/smartCache-for-nuke/


Indices and tables