cragl vfx tools | Nuke Python Tools and Plugins | smartRecents


Quickly jump to your recent Nuke projects and keep track of your work smartRecents

Efficiently locate your recent scripts

Don't waste any time searching nukescripts manually in your exlplorer. All your recent work is immediately accessible. You can also reveal a script directly in your explorer.

Keep track of how many scripts you want to see

You can always decide how many scripts you want to see in the smartRecents window. If you need to you can also flush the list.

Display on every startup. Or whenever you like

You can choose to automatically show the smartRecents window whenever you start a new NUKE session. Or use the hotkey to display the window whenever you like.


Do you have any question about smartRecents? make sure to read our tools specific faq for smartRecents.


• Script selector for NUKE
• Keep track of all your latest nukescripts
• Simply switch between latest nukescripts
• Decide how many recent scripts to display


Nuke11, Nuke12, Nuke13, Nuke14, Nuke15

Linux, Mac, Windows

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